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In the port of Jávea (Alicante)

Every Satuerday and Sunday from 11 am till 3 pm or later

 Authentic Arts and Crafts Fair

Till we start our traditional summer fair at the end of June, we will be present with our Artesanía de Autor® every Saturday and Sunday morning on the Paseo Marítimo in the port of Jávea (see map below), weather permitting.

The slides below are of the stalls that have booked a space for Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd of March. By clicking on the photograph you can see what each stall offers and on which day(s) it will be there.


What makes our fair so special is that everything we sell, we have made with our own hands!

And since we are all true artisans, we gladly accept special orders, when you can't find what you are looking for or want something personalized!


It is a fair right on the sea front, with wonderful views and you can combine your visit with a walk around the neighbourhood, visit the Church of the Virgin of Loreto, a modern construction in the shape of a ship, and regain strength on one of the many terraces.

You can also follow us in Facebook @feriaartesaniajavea, where we publish changes in opening times, for example in case of bad weather! And in Instagram you'll find us at @javea.artesania.amata

Further below are photos of products that you could find at our fair.

To see in Google Maps how to get to the fair, you can click on the image below.

como llegar javea.png

The following photograhs are examples of pieces that you can find at our small but select fair. In the slides above you can see what stalls are expected this Sunday.

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